Upcoming Events
Personal Retreat Rental
Africa Photography
Mask Gallery
Painting Gallery
Greeting Cards & Photography
About the Artist
How to Order
Katja Esser leads an ongoing stream of rituals, workshops, and other events.
A current list of events is available on
Ritual Expressions FaceBook page.
Katja is an inspirational artist, mask and costume
designer, ritualist, teacher, photographer, healer, and performer. She has
exhibited her work in the Netherlands, New York, and Boston. Katja has
studied different forms of movement and voice. She has created sacred
ceremonies for the seasons since 1992 for small and large groups of people
of which the Summer Solstice at America’s Stonehenge is most well known.
She is deeply
involved in African based spirituality with
Som?/FONT> and the East Coast Village, which has brought her
to Africa a few times. She draws from a variety of great teachers such as
Martin Prechtel,
Rikka Zimmerman, and Emilie Conrad. Katja facilitates rituals
and gives talks at colleges and universities. She has taught Continuum
based movement, courses in ritual, facilitates Grief Rituals, and Sacred
Sound Circles. Katja has sung with Bonesong, an improvisational sacred
singing quartet that sings in a cave. She performs with the
Theater Behind The Mask in schools through
Young Audiences and at First Night Boston. She created a performance
around ‘The Hidden Life of Trees?with
Ricardo Frota in which she appears in a
full tree costume that took her a year and half to make.
Katja launched her Apprenticeship program, ‘Courting the
Living World? in 2010. In this program, participants activate their
intimate connection to self and planet. Katja has an extensive website
www.ritualexpressions.com at which her work
can be viewed.
people said about Katja’s work:
"Beautiful, sweet woman, with a voice
that enchants the wind, the earth, all gods creatures. You are so loved.
Thank you for all you brought to us this past weekend.?- Joy
“You are
extremely gifted and I feel so lucky to be learning and receiving from
you!?- Alison
?wonderful to see you in your
element; confident, relaxed and effective... just awesome. I'm honored and grateful
to have been able to share this experience, and my heart is
humbly thanking you over and over...?- William
“Thank you for your powerful voice,
drumming, ritual, space, magic, beauty...............this weekend! Was
truly an honor to receive your gifts? - Maria
continue to amaze me even with all I know of your creative and spirit
genius? - Bud
Click here for ‘How do we
- 2013
March 17, April 21, and May 12 -
Improvisational Sacred Sound Circles
March 22 Ritual ?Vernal Equinox, Earthlands
March 23 Ritual - Vernal n itEquinox, America’s Stonehenge
April Grief Ritual to be announced
April Sound
Circle to be announced
June 21 Ritual ?Summer Solstice, America’s Stonehenge
June 28 ?30
Intensive ?Courting the Living World part 1, Earthlands
July 19 ?21 Intensive ?Courting the Living World
part 2, Earthlands
August 16 ?18
Intensive ?Courting the Living World part 3, Earthlands
September 13 ?15
Intensive ?Courting the Living World part 4, Earthlands
September 21 Ritual ?Autumnal Equinox, Earthlands
September 22 Ritual ?Autumnal Equinox, America’s
October 18 ?20
Intensive ?Courting the Living World part 5, Earthlands
December 21 Ritual ?Winter Solstice,
America’s Stonehenge
December 22 Ritual ?Winter Solstice, Earthlands
Improvisiational Sound Circle
Dates Feb 24,
March 17, April 21, and May 12 all Sunday afternoon from 2 - 5
pm. At
the Cottage or
Woodland Yurt at
Earthlands, Petersham MA
with your instruments, sound makers, and voice in the spirit of joy and
co-creation to bathe the living world around us in beauty. We praise the Earth with her
changing face, begin to awaken her to the new dawn, and in the process
massage every cell of our body in the soundscapes we
Hosted by Katja Esser
a healthy non-gmo snack or non alcoholic beverage $5
donation requested Directions
and info on Earthlands posted below. Address:
39 Glasheen
Rd, Petersham MA 01366
katjacreates@ritualexpessions.com Phone:
617 365 4024 Website:
Vernal Equinox Ritual 2013
the Awakening Soul
Friday March 22,
2013 7:00
pm Evening Ritual Near
the ‘Cottage?at Earthlands, Petersham MA
March 23, 2013 1:00
?4:00 PM Ritual At
America’s Stonehenge, NH
honor the appropriate feeding of the spirit world and to optimize what you
get out of this ritual there is some preparation involved that you are
asked to do at home. If you
do not have time to read it all please go to ‘What to bring?
at her thick white robe with its drifts and bulges, obliterating any
definition, I saw that the sky’s yawn had exploded in the Mother’s lap and
settled briefly into a sense of restful expansion. In one moment the icy breath pounds
on her hardened skin, the next moment the air relaxes and misty clouds
dance upon her receding mantle.
Sudden changes stir the Mother in her restless sleep. Her dreamtime becomes short lived,
as her skin hardens and softens, seeming to be in an ongoing labor. The first bulbs showing their tips
are halted in their eager advancement. Winter has a hard time to
establish its firm grip. The
exalted cries of Spring echo softly, tantalizing Winter’s meditative
silence, letting him clearly know that Spring is pounding on his
we have been in an ongoing labor and are eager to get out of the womb of
illusion to move into the expression of who we truly are. It is hard to stay asleep in world
that no longer works for us and the expanding energies are stirring us
awake. According to the
Dagara People of
West Africa we have
entered into a nature year which is all about transformation and
change. Nature with its
magical abilities and authenticity calls for truth and rips the mask off
for us to see through the illusions and literalness of our realities and
beliefs. Nature embraces what
is, intricately linked to all that is it co-creates and expresses itself
letting reality follow it, instead of it following reality. The awakening moment is
unstoppable; the surge to thrive breaks through old skins, tough shells,
and malleable placentas singing life loudly into
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is a big piece of the ritual. To receive the full benefit of the
ritual as well as seeing the effects of each one bringing their piece to
feed the whole it is important that you bring the items described below to
the best of your abilities. Katja Esser
facilitates this community oriented ritual and you can expect it to
be very participatory
to bring:
A piece of green cotton fabric (please no synthetics) about 1 square
that symbolizes your old skin, the vibrational seed pod or box you have
adopted to live in. It is the
skin of the illusions of this reality. It holds all the - I am not
worthy, I am not good enough, I am not lovable. You can decorate it, write on it,
anything that pertains to your definition of self in a reality of
illusion. Thank it
since it has given you the exact information to now be able to make the
change to birth into ‘who you truly are? You will not get this piece
An umbilical cord made
different colored strips of cotton fabric
about 1 yard long each in length and about 1 ?inch
wide. This umbilical holds all the lies,
conclusions, judgments, and evidence for your point of view you have been
feeding yourself with to keep you in your vibrational pod. Looking at ‘I am not worthy? how
does this show up in money (green cotton), relationships and sexuality
(red cotton), health (blue cotton), life work, self-expression and
creativity (yellow cotton), spirituality (white cotton)? Tie a knot for each lie,
conclusion, judgment or evidence you can come up with for your point of
view about money. Do the same
with all the other strips of fabric.
Once they are all knotted tie them together in one long cord that
is your umbilical.
A small wreath made of life evergreen branches of which the inside
diameter is 10 inches.
cotton string to hold it together and with weaving it around you see the
life you like to have already into existence. The opening becomes the symbolic
portal through which you birth your vision each time you push your string
through it.
Bring 4 seeds, 1 natural feather and some
Bring Spring flowers that are open,
a flash light, drums or other sound makers if you have them, some finger
food for after the ritual, raingear if needed and your own water to
drink. Make sure you dress
Donation: At Earthlands
ritual $9 - $13
America’s Stonehenge
the entry fee paid to the visitor center is $11 and an additional
donation of $5 at the ritual site is appreciated.
to contact: Please contact
Katja at (617)365 4024 or email at katjacreates@ritualexpressions.com Website: www.ritualexpressions.com or
to Earthlands - From Rt 2
take exit 17, take 32 South to Petersham. At center of town, at country
store, take a left on
St. Go for about 2 ?miles. Take a left on
Glasheen Rd,
follow the sign to Earthlands/ University of the Wild. Park in lot A and
follow signs to the left to ritual site. Address:
39 Glasheen
Rd, Petersham MA 01366
Stonehenge: From
I 93, take exit 3 in NH, take Rte 111 East (app. 5 mi., crossing Rte 28)
to Island Pond and
Haverhill Rds. (there
will be a sign here for
Stonehenge on your right). Follow
Haverhill Rd.
south to entrance. The address is
105 Haverhill